
Antalya, II. Turkey's meaning by Attalos Dormitory kurululanattalos 5.büyük province, the first of the ruins can be seen when we look at the history of incisidir.antalya the Mediterranean region, a part of the harbor breakwater is described as walls surrounding the old port and the harbor. The Hadrian's Gate, which was restored outside the park, is one of the most beautiful ancient works of Antalya. Kaleiçi; a large part of it is surrounded by walls inside and outside in the shape of a horseshoe, which is destroyed and destroyed. The walls are common works of Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, Seljuk and Ottoman periods. Inside the walls are houses with tile roofs. The structures of the houses not only give an idea about the architectural history of Antalya, but also reflect the lifestyle, traditions and customs in the region in the best way. Antalya has been one of the gates of Anatolia to the sea throughout history. Antalya Ancient City is protected by two thick walls in the shape of horseshoe. One of these walls in the form of fortifications is in the cove of the sea and the other is on the land side. In addition to these walls, there are walls separating the various settlements from each other, and the outer walls contain a tower about fifty steps.Today, only the remains of the walls such as the Hıdırlık Tower, Hadrian's Gate and the Clock Tower can be found in the city. The ancient city and walls covered by the sea are known as Kaleiçi today. Streets and buildings are still full of signs and symbols that reflect the history of Antalya. With its breathtaking view, the marina has taken its place among the unforgettable in many poems and paintings that have inspired painter poets and writers.

When you come to Antalya for a holiday, you should definitely visit the city, visit the historical textures on site and listen to their stories. Kaleiçi, Perge Ancient City, Aspendos, Antalya Museum, Atatürk House and Museum, Düden Waterfall, Watermelon Lifting Waterfall, Antalya Mini City, Antalya Sand Sculpture Festival, Aquarium, Konyaaltı and Lara Beaches are just some of them.